project showcase

Polarin Design System

Explore the transformative journey of crafting a comprehensive design system for Polarin, India's first self-service networking platform. Witness how thoughtful integration of visual elements and user interfaces facilitated a seamless and engaging digital experience, setting a new standard in user-centric technology solutions.

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Project Overview

In this project, our primary objective is to create a solid Design System for Polarin, India's first self-service networking platform. Our central focus is on creating a collection of elements that can be easily combined to construct a multitude of applications. This aligns with the crucial requirements for scalability, efficiency, and design consistency.


The foundation of a design system lies in its spacing, akin to how a house requires a solid base. Spacing, often underrated in visual design, can significantly impact the overall look and feel of a design. To create an effective spacing system, I opted for a rem-based guide that adheres to a 4 px grid. This choice ensures responsiveness within the design system, as the comprehensive spacing system, in proportion to the 4 px scale, facilitates proper alignment with the layout and achieves a harmonious appearance of elements.

Layout Grid

The foundation's layout grid for our design system is meticulously crafted to cater to various screen sizes, including desktop, tablet, and mobile. With a modular approach, it ensures consistency and flexibility in the placement of elements across devices. The grid system maintains visual harmony, providing a seamless user experience and allowing effortless adaptability to different screen resolutions. It serves as a reliable guide for designers, streamlining the creation of responsive and aesthetically pleasing interfaces across all platforms.

Color Palette

The design system's color palette comprises a thoughtfully curated selection of primary, secondary, and accent colors. Each hue is carefully chosen to evoke a cohesive and visually pleasing experience, ensuring consistency across various elements and interfaces. We have carefully selected an accessible color palette that meets the WC3 AAA color contrast standards.


Our design system adopts the elegant and versatile "Inter" font to establish a cohesive and polished typographic foundation. It's also super versatile having several variations in weight which make it look great as a heading font and as body text. It also helps us maintain consistency inside our UI layout workflow.


Icons in the Get Paid app serve as essential visual aids, guiding users through various tasks seamlessly. In the Polarin design system, I opted for the feather icon library due to its simplicity, informativeness, and seamless integration with the overall visual language. By choosing a simple icon set, I aimed to reduce cognitive load and enhance user understanding, especially on smaller screens, ensuring effortless recognition of the icons and a smooth user experience.


In the Polarin Design System, buttons are an integral part, with each button having multiple states: active, hover, focus, and disabled. The system encompasses four distinct button types: Primary, Secondary, thirty, and Text and each type is associated with both left and right icon versions, along with a text label. Thanks to component properties, I efficiently reduced the number of required variants from 64 to just 16, streamlining the design process. Below, you can preview some of the buttons in various states, showcasing the system's flexibility and visual coherence.

Input Fields

The Design System Inputs field utilizes component properties similar to Buttons, offering consistent styling and behavior across the interface. Users can easily customize the Inputs field using properties like size, color, and disabled state, ensuring seamless integration with other UI elements. This cohesive approach streamlines the development process and enhances the overall user experience. There are also other components like dropdowns, radios, checkboxes, toggles, and others that are essential to have.

Other Components

Design systems are complex and I've only scratched the surface of components that have been built for Polarin up to this point, complete with advanced auto layout capabilities and integrated component properties. Simplify your workflow as you effortlessly arrange and adjust elements, ensuring consistent and visually appealing designs across your entire project.


Design system organisms are the vital building blocks within a comprehensive design system, encompassing interconnected elements such as buttons, forms, and navigation bars. They play a crucial role in upholding consistency and cohesiveness across digital projects, ensuring a seamless user experience by adhering to established visual and interactive principles. As part of a design system, templates combine these organisms to construct pages, allowing the overall design and layout to come to life with unified precision.

The Conclusion

The establishment of the Core design system I created had a huge impact on the speed of design workflows, component reusability, and estimation reduction. Design estimates for projects were lowered by over half the original estimations in some instances. The implementation of well-defined Design Systems, along with seamless handovers, resulted in a notable decline in iterative exchanges between designers and developers, leading to a smoother collaboration process with minimized friction.